This past Sunday we continued looking at the Olivet discourse. Specifically looking at Matthew
24:4-14; where we spent time hearing about the signs of Jesus' return.

Remember that Pastor Bret noted the 6 kinds of events that will precede Jesus' return. They
were: Deception, conflict, natural disaster, persecution, apostasy, and evangelism. We also heard 5
reasons to believe they were referring to future events, not ones already passed. First, they are
described as birth pains, to immediately precede Jesus' return. Second, they are unprecedented and
unparalleled in nature, having a greater scope and extent than previous similar events. Third, they are
said to be connected to the end of the age and the return of Christ. Fourth, they are said in v 34 to occur
within 1 generation of Jesus' return. Finally, the events are connected with Revelation 6, which would be
good to review along with this week's main sermon texts.

As you go about your week consider the calls for action we find in this passage: see to it that no
one leads you astray, see that you are not alarmed, and endure to the end. We may not face the
tribulation described in this passage this week, but the exhortations are broadly applicable to lesser
challenges as well. Consider how you might prepare yourself to face challenges with a measured, faithful
response and steadfast endurance.

Also, given the future return of our Lord, in an hour we do not know, consider how we should
live with eager expectation. Try to keep in mind the return of Christ, and let that expectation charge
your motivations and actions.