Due to inclement weather, all Wednesday evening activities are cancelled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Summit Woods Baptist Church is an autonomous congregation (meaning we govern ourselves with no ecclesiastical group above us).  We are led by elders and served by deacons who are chosen from among our congregation.

Our Beliefs

The Baptist Faith and Message contains the basic theological framework we hold to in determining much of what we teach.

Our Structure

Our by-laws reflect the way Summit Woods Baptist Church is organized and how we seek to carry out our mission as a church.

Our Purpose

Summit Woods Baptist Church desires to magnify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. We seek to accomplish this through worship in corporate gatherings, being equipped for ministry in our Equipping and Sunday school classes, fostering biblical fellowship in our Growth Groups, and giving ourselves to the ministry of the Word and Gospel in our daily lives.

Our Membership

Membership at SWBC is a public declaration of your commitment to consistently gather for worship, be equipped for ministry, fervently fellowship with other members, financially support, and intentionally engage others with the gospel with the other members of Summit Woods Baptist Church.

The Southern Baptist Convention

Southern-Baptist-ConventionWe are in friendly cooperation with The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).  The SBC exists to help like-minded churches cooperate in planting churches across the globe, support theological training for future church leaders, and respond to global crises with our collective efforts.  Together with 45,000 other congregations, we support some 5,000 missionaries across the world and another 5,000 within North America. Click on the following links to learn more about Southern Baptists and our beliefs:


The Pillar Network is a community of SBC & International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally driven, & committed to equipping, planting, & revitalizing churches, together.

We have joined the Pillar Network for the purpose of fellowship among, planting and supporting like-minded churches.


ACME (Association of Churches for Missions and Evangelism) exists to unite and mobilize like-minded churches to fund pastors, church planters, missionaries, and other projects around the world.

Our partnership with ACME provides Summit Woods Baptist Church with an association of theologically and methodologically like-minded churches for the purpose of funding like-minded ministry projects.