Awana Online Registration

Awana will begin on Wednesday, September 4.

Please read the following information before clicking on the link to register at the bottom of the page.

You can go to the FaceBook page for SWBC Children's Ministry to gain access to the general information updates for Awana.  If you are not currently a member of this group, please submit a request, you must be actively particpating in SWBC Children's Ministry to be kept in this group.

SWBC CM Facebook Group

Click here for the 2024-2025 calendar!

The nursery and Puggles are provided only for those who are serving or participating in a ministry at SWBC on Wednesday night and will be available at church for immediate care needs if they arise.

On Wednesday nights, we also have an adult book study. Please feel free to attend, even if you aren't a member/attender of SWBC. Contact Campbell Bortel via the church office with any questions.

Registration and Cost for Awana

The cost for AWANA is $25 per child.  There will be a family max of $100 for 4 or more kids.  When registering your first child, please make the appropriate payment for your entire family. Then, when registering your other children, please select the box noting that you've already paid. You must fill out a separate registration form for each child

All costs are covered in this consolidated fee and take into account for shirts, books, bags, etc.  If you need a second or replacement book, shirt, or bag those will be extra.  Please coordinate with your directors for any replacement items needed and for the additional costs.

Our Medical Release Form is needed for any children who are in the care of SWBC and the parents will not be on-premise.  We require all Awana registered children to have one of these forms on file.

Registration is closed at this time. Please contact the church office for registration inquiries.