Membership at Summit Woods Baptist Church is a public declaration of your commitment to consistently gather for worship, be equipped for ministry, fervently fellowship with other members, financially support, and intentionally engage others with the gospel with the other members of Summit Woods Baptist Church.
The requirements for membership at Summit Woods Baptist Church are that you are born again in Christ and have followed him publicly in believers’ baptism after your conversion.
While these are the biblical bases for membership, we want to ensure that those who desire to commit to the ministry of Summit Woods Baptist Church be as informed as they can about what we believe, where we are headed as a congregation, and expectations of members. Several times a year, we offer our Membership Matters class for those investigating membership in Summit Woods Baptist Church.
In this class we review what we teaching about the gospel and conversion, growing as a Christian, what it means to participate in a Christian church, how to serve at Summit Woods Baptist Church, how we seek to extend the gospel to others as a congregation, and the expectations of membership.
In addition to these topics, those who attend the class will receive additional material that will further explain the church’s approach to missions, baptism, music, counseling, discipleship, and other helpful resources.
Membership Matters is typically held on a Saturday morning from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm (light breakfast and a lunch are provided).
If you would like to attend the next class, please register by emailing the office and we will contact you with further details about the next class.