The people of Summit Woods Baptist Church have a deep love for the peoples of our nation, and a great desire to share the gospel of Christ outside the greater Kansas City area.

Pillar Network

Pillar logoThe Pillar Network is a community of SBC & International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally driven, & committed to equipping, planting, & revitalizing churches, together.

We have joined the Pillar Network for the purpose of fellowship among, planting and supporting like-minded churches.


ACME Cover Final copy-1 (1)-1ACME (Association of Churches for Missions and Evangelism) exists to unite and mobilize like-minded churches to fund pastors, church planters, missionaries, and other projects around the world.

Our partnership with ACME provides Summit Woods Baptist Church with an association of theologically and methodologically like-minded churches for the purpose of funding like-minded ministry projects.


Nets logoThe New England Training and Sending Center for Church Planting & Revitalization exists to fill New England and beyond with gospel preachers who will plant and revitalize reproducing churches for generations to come.

We have established a partnership with NETS for church planting in one of the neediest places in the United States.

Missouri Baptist Convention

mbc-logoWe are partnering with the Missouri Baptist Convention for the purpose of strenthening churches, supporting Christian higher education, and participation in mercy ministries such as Disaster Relief.

North American Mission Board

NAMB-Logo 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.' - Matthew 9:37-38.

The North American Mission Board exists to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, start New Testament congregations, minister to persons in the name of Christ, and assist churches in the United States and Canada in effectively performing these functions.

The North American Mission Board, SBC, has over 42,000 churches encompassing over 45,000 congregations. The harvest yields nearly 1,700 new works and 420,000 souls baptized each year!