Our Sunday morning gathering, at Summit Woods Baptist Church, is our primary gathering where we joyfully, and eagerly carry out our corporate responsibilities toward each other and before the Lord. It is here where we encourage one another and praise Christ in song, pray together as a body, contribute to the church’s work, exhort one another through the preaching of God’s word, and individually and corporately respond to God’s truth.
Our morning gathering begins at 10:30 a.m. and is about an hour and a 1/2 long. You will see people from many different walks of life, ethnicities, and ages. Our music is a blend of both new and old songs. We don't try and cater to any one generation, but rather choose songs that any generation can sing and appreciate. The longer you are with us, the more you will find the substance and style of our songs to emphasize the church singing together as one body. Our service is also marked by Scripture reading and prayer. If you don't have a Bible, there is one for you at your seat - feel free to take it as our gift to you. We encourage you to reflect carefully on what is read and join us in praying together as a church.
Children are dismissed to a dedicated children's teaching time (Praise Factory) during the final song before the sermon. When you see the choir leaving the platform, that is the cue to take your children to the appropriate location.
- 1st - 3rd Sunday of the month all K-6 dismissed to Praise Factory
- 4th Sunday of the month all K-6 remain in sanctuary
- 5th Sunday of the month K-2 dismissed to Praise Factory and 3-6 remain in sanctuary
The largest portion of our service is devoted to teaching the Bible. Our sermons are generally 50 minutes to an hour in length and typically focus on a particular passage in the Bible that will be explained. A page in our weekly bulletin is dedicated for you to take down the main points and any relevant points for further and future reflection. At the conclusion of our service, we sing a song that helps us to appropriately respond to what we have heard in the teaching. Elders and staff will be available to meet with you following the gathering throughout the sanctuary and in the foyer. Each week this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself, ask any questions you may have, or pray with one of the elders and staff of Summit Woods Baptist Church.
Each week a Preparing for Sunday post is created with the aim of providing resources to help prepare you personally or as a family for our corporate gatherings. These resources include: questions and readings aimed toward reflection on the scripture to be preached, links to the music, we will sing corporately, in order to grow your personal library of the songs we sing regularly and the lyrics to the songs.
You can also find our past sermons categorized by series, date, and speaker on our website. This is a great resource for guest and members alike.