Philippians 3:1-11
Feb 22, 2015 Speaker: Toby Sutherland Passage: Philippians 3:1–3:11 Series: Philippians 2014-2015
Gospel Driven Partnerships
Feb 22, 2015 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Titus 3:12–3:15 Series: SWBC Sermons
Philippians 2:19-30
Feb 8, 2015 Speaker: Glenn Price Passage: Philippians 2:19–2:30 Series: Philippians 2014-2015
Wealth, Poverty, and the Treasure of Jesus
Feb 8, 2015 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Matthew 19:23–19:30 Series: The Gospel of Matthew
How to Help an Eager Seeker
Feb 1, 2015 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Matthew 19:16–19:22 Series: The Gospel of Matthew