Here are resources to assist your time as a family or in small groups to pray, sing, read and discuss God's word together.
By 9:00 am Sunday, the regular Sunday message will be posted on our church's web page. We encourage you to read, sing, and pray together, then listen or watch the morning message.
Also, through the week, use these Preparing for the Sermon materials that contain suggestions in thinking more critically through the passage, meditating more intently on the text, and prayerfully seeking wisdom to deepen your understanding of the passage to be preached.
Intentionally Act
- Read the Lyrics while listening to How Vast the Love
- Sing O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing as a means of exalting the Lord in song together
- Spend time praying together
- Read Psalm 121 and pray based on that passage
- Praying for a sister church in our area: Raintree Community Church, Lee's Summit, MO; Stephen Conley, Pastor
- Pray for our elder team that we would shepherd our flock with grace, wisdom, compassion, and intentionality
- Pray for me as their new lead pastor (since March 8th) that God would give my family and I an entrance into people’s lives and that we would be able to build lasting relationships.
- Pray for our members who are struggling with feeling isolated, dealing with being unemployed, and processing this time of displacement
- Praise: We are praising God for churches like Summit Woods who have reached out to us! It has made us aware of God’s providential care and the bonds of love that we share in Christ.
- Choose a few members from the church directory and pray for them; perhaps contact them this week to let them know and learn how they are doing.
- Sing Yet Not I, but Through Christ in Me, remembering together Christ's work on the Cross
- Listen or watch the morning message
- Respond to the God's Word by singing Jesus, I Am Resting together
- Click the links below to find the Youtube videos, Hymnsheets and recordings of the songs; practice the songs, study the lyrics and sing together.
- During these days, encourage one another with God's word, thoughts on the goodness of his perfect wisdom, deep love, and ultimate sovereignty. He is trustworthy. Allow the world to see His impact on our hearts through our responses throughout these days.