Genesis - Summer 2017

Prepare your heart for the Sermon by looking through these suggestions that will assist you in making the most of our time together hearing God's Word.

You will find suggestions for thinking more critically through the passage, meditating more intently on the text, and prayerfully seeking wisdom to deepen your understanding of the passage to be preached this Sunday.

Carefully Think

  • Read Genesis 2:1-25. Verses 1-3 complete the seven days of creation. What does it mean that God rested on the seventh day from all His work? Why did God bless this day and make it holy (set it apart)?
  • Read verses 4-9 and compare them to chapter 1 and the individual days of creation. How can you determine how this integrates within chapter 1? How do the last two trees mentioned relate to the other trees? What is their unique to each of them? Does God state why he placed these trees in the garden?
  • The purpose and location of the rivers described in verses 10-14 identify the garden of Eden. What does it say about these verses and what God intends to say?
    God explains to the man in verses 15-17 purpose and a command. What are the purpose and the command?
  • In 18-24, God vividly describes how he created a helper fit for him. What is the point of Adam naming the animals? Who else does Adam name in these verses?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Meditate on the reason for chapter 2 in comparison to chapter 1.
    The level of detail in chapter 2 should help clarify.
  • Is this only poetry in the descriptions found in chapter 2? What leads you to believe or disbelieve this idea?
  • What would be the purpose in the extensive section on finding Adam a suitable helper?
  • Is there a reason woman was formed from the man instead of from the ground as Adam or the animals?