SWBC Pulpit square

Carefully think

  • Read Ephesians 5:18-20, what is the relationship between being filled with the Spirit and singing? In light of this reality, why is it a non-negotiable for Christians to sing?
  • According to v. 19, who are we addressing when we sing?
  • Read Col 3:16. What is the relationship between “the Word of Christ dwelling in you” and “teaching and admonishing one another…singing…”?
  • How does Col 3:16 shape our understanding of “speaking to one another” in Eph 5:19? Why does this elevate the importance of singing?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Consider how the dual audience of singing should shape your personal practice of singing at church. How should it shape how the church approaches singing? How do you see this playing out at SBWC?
  • How do you sing with your heart to the Lord?
  • Consider the importance of singing in light of this verse.