Prepare your heart for our Sunday Morning Gathering by looking through these suggestions that will assist you in making the most of our time together.
You will find tangible suggestions for putting scripture to action in your personal life and in our corporate body, links to the songs we will sing, and lyrics for you to prepare for our corporate singing.
Please see the Preparing for the Sermon post for suggestions in thinking more critically through the passage, meditating more intently on the text, and prayerfully seeking wisdom to deepen your understanding of the passage to be preached this Sunday.
Intentionally Act
- Consider what areas of your thinking about the world should be changed in light of this passage. Ask the Lord for grace to carefully navigate being in the world but not of the world.
- Pray that God would enable us to be a gracious people when it comes to different decisions we make as we seek to wisely relate to the world.
- Pray that we would be a unified people who reflect the oneness of the Father and the Son so that people would believe in Jesus.
- Click the links below to find the lyrics and recordings of the songs planned for our gathering this Sunday; practice the songs, study the lyrics and sing together.
- Pray for those leading our corporate gathering this week and for the Holy Spirit’s work as the Word of God is further explained and applied: Dawson Bryant: music; Brett Harris: Elders' prayer & scripture reading; Rob Stouffer: teaching.
Songs for Sunday
- Come Praise and Glorify
- Great One In Three
- Be Thou My Vision
- How Marvelous
- O Church of Christ, Invincible
Lyrics Morning Gathering - November 3, 2019 by Summit Woods Baptist Church on Scribd