Carefully Think

  • Read Psalm 73. Where is this psalm in relation to the five books found in the Psalms? Book 3 could be entitled “My Sin is Against God Alone”.
  • Look at the first heading verse and determine the author. Skim the next 11 psalms, 74-89, who is the author? Does that help with unifying them? Consider these psalms in light of man’s sin against God.
  • What are the immediate circumstances of the Psalmist life?
  • What are the major themes in Psalm 73? How should you see them in context of the other Psalms of Book 3?
  • What do you learn about the struggles of the Psalmist in light of God’s relationship with Israel?
  • Why would he struggle with envy of the wicked and arrogant in contrast to God’s goodness?  How does he resolve his struggle?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Considering the world today, what similarities do you share with the Psalmist?
  • What most informs your perspective of current events?
  • Given the circumstances of the world today and any personal struggles you may be facing, what could cause you to doubt God and envy others? How can you resolve your doubt?

Intentionally Act

  • Despite the sin of the world, how should you respond this week to the God’s goodness that He has revealed to you throughout your life?
  • How should that impact your prayer, worship and daily meditations on His Word?
  • What are you most thankful for in your life? What are you currently struggling with the most?
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Brandon Ferguson, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Mark Krystyniak, teaching.
  • Review and meditate on Psalm 73 and the lyrics of the songs we will sing this week. Let the Psalm and songs saturate you and cause your heart to overflow in love for one another and to love and worship a great and loving God; let us worship together as one body, one voice, and one mind, the mind of Christ. 

Songs for Sunday

Morning Gathering - August 9, 2015