Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 23 for remembering the context of where we have been; place special emphasis on verses 36–39.
  • Read Matthew 24–25.
  • Watch for repeated keywords or ideas through 24 and 25. What do you think the focus is in each section?
  • What is Jesus warning against in chapter 24:4–13? What does verse 14 show in relation to the previous verses?
  • Can you summarize chapter 24:15–35? What purpose do these verses serve in answering the disciples question in verse 3?
  • In verses 36–51, can a similar summary point be found?
  • Starting in chapter 25 there are two parables (1–13, 14–30). Why the transition? What is the relationship to chapter 24? What are the points being made in each parable? Are the points related or not?
  • What is happening in the final verses of 25 (31–46)? How do these answer the disciples original question?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Does Jesus answer the questions the disciples posed in a way they understand? How does this help us to understand, or can we?
  • Warnings, perseverance, suffering, faithfulness… are these ideas found in these two chapters? How do they relate to how we are to be ready for Christ’s return?
  • Lots of arguments happen over the verses in these two chapters in the Christian body today. How can these be helpful? How are they hurting the church and how we accomplish 24:14?

Intentionally Act

  • What are some helpful ways that we can use these chapters in order to build one another up and admonish one another?
  • What position do you have on these verses and what they mean? Are you allowing those views to shape what the text is meaning? Do you recognize those views and try to come to the text faithfully and openly?
  • Pray that all in our body would be prayerfully and faithfully preparing themselves to submit to the authority of Scripture, God’s perfect and holy Word.
  • Pray for all unbelievers in attendance to be pierced to the heart by the Word and see their need for repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation, submitting fully to Him as Lord and Savior.
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Brett Harris, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Review and meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will sing this week. Listen to each of them so that you know them well enough to sing with understanding and zeal.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - October 11, 2015