Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 21:23-32.
  • How does this passage relate to the previous events in Matthew 21?
  • In a word, what is the primary issue of conversation between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders?
  • Why would the religious leaders ask Jesus this particular question (v 23)?
  • Why would Jesus ask them to describe the source of John the Baptist's ministry before he would answer them? What was the emphasis of John the Baptist's ministry? How do you know?
  • Why won't the religious leaders answer Jesus' question directly?
  • What does the parable (vv 28-32) have to do with the questions asked in verses 23-27?
  • Why, and in what specific ways, are the religious leaders likened to the second son of the parable?
  • Why are tax collectors and prostitutes said to be those who do God's will in this context?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • According to this passage, list ways that we could be found rejecting Jesus' authority? What would it look like in light of this account?
  • In light of this passage, how does Jesus tend to expose a rejection of his authority?
  • How do you know if you are doing the will of God or if you are similar to the Jewish religious leaders in this passage? What is the most telling evidence? List ways that would indicate that a person is accepting the authority of Jesus.

Intentionally Act

  • What sin does this passage expose in you that you should confess to God? What promise does this passage reveal that you need to hold to and prayerfully trust in?
  • Examine your own approach to Jesus in light of this passage? What needs to be adjusted in attitude and/or action in you as a result of considering what this passage indicates?
  • How should this passage impact an entire congregation's response to the authority of Jesus? How can you tell that a church is really submissive to the authority of Christ? Pray for your church now.
  • Pray for non-Christians to be convicted of their need of Christ this Sunday. Pray that Christians will be fruitful in their application of the intent of this passage.
  • Pray for those who will be leading the service this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Brandon Ferguson, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Listen to the music we will be singing on Sunday; consider the lyrics and what they say about Christ that should encourage our worship of Him and how we follow Him.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - May 3, 2015