Trusting God

You may have noticed some new books have been made available on the shelves of the welcome desk in the foyer. These are resources we would like to highlight to the congregation for a period of time.

The purpose of highlighting these resources is simply to put biblically solid, Christ-exalting, affection-fueling resources in the hands of the members at Summit Woods for their personal growth in the Lord, to equip them to do the work of ministry, and for use in discipleship relationships.

Perhaps you’ve been looking for a new book for yourself to read in your devotional time, or perhaps you’ve been wanting to get together with a brother or sister in the Lord and desire to encourage them in their walk with the Lord – these resources are there to be readily available for you.

For this season, we wanted to highlight some resources to help us think through biblically and respond biblically to the unprecedented circumstances in our world and nation. We hope that these books will help you think critically and biblically as we seek to exalt Christ in a dying world.

This week we want to highlight Trusting God, by Jerry Bridges

All of us experience adversity at different times in our lives. It comes in many forms - sudden pain, traumatic experiences, devastating losses - and we seldom understand what’s happening at the time.

That’s why learning to trust God can be such a slow and difficult process. When everything we’re going through suggests that God can’t help us or doesn’t care, it seems unwise to place our confidence in Him. But nothing could be farther from the truth.

As Jerry Bridges illustrates in his best-selling book Trusting God, God is more than worthy of our trust. His complete sovereignty, infinite wisdom, and perfect love are always at work on our behalf - even when we don’t understand the things we see.

From the book, “That which should distinguish the suffering of believers from unbelievers is the confidence that our suffering is under the control of an all-powerful and all-loving God. Our suffering has meaning and purpose in God's eternal plan, and He brings or allows to come into our lives only that which is for His glory and our good.”