This past Sunday, you may have noticed some books on the shelves of the welcome desk in the foyer. These are resources we would like to highlight to the congregation for a period of time.
The theme for these resources is Live in light of Jesus' return – Enlarge your faith, grow your love. They have been selected to fall into five categories. Categories and titles include; Theology: Knowing God by J.I. Packer. Sanctification: The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges. Christian Biography: Jonathan Edwards by Iain Murray. Church History/Cultural Evaluation: Strange New World by Carl Trueman. The Church: The Compelling Community by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop.
The purpose of highlighting these resources is simply to put biblically solid, Christ-exalting, affection-fueling resources in the hands of the members at Summit Woods for their personal growth in the Lord, to equip them to do the work of ministry, and for use in discipleship relationships.
Perhaps you’ve been looking for a new book for yourself to read in your devotional time, or perhaps you’ve been wanting to get together with a brother or sister in the Lord and desire to encourage them in their walk with the Lord – these resources are there to be readily available for you in addition to the books provided in the resource room.
Today's highlight is Strange New World by Carl Trueman.
As identity politics quickly gain influence, they’re creating confusion around aspects of personhood and morality that were once certain. From the sexual revolution to gay marriage and gender issues, the personal has become politicized. What should our response be?
In Strange New World, Carl R. Trueman examines the historical, philosophical, and technological factors driving identity politics today. This concise version of his popular book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self offers an accessible analysis of influences including technology and pornography, as well as cultural ideologies from the Romantics to the New Left. Offering a much-needed biblical perspective of personhood, Truman confronts the current era of “expressive individualism,” showing readers how to engage in a culture that's often hostile to Christian beliefs. – Strange New World back cover
Al Mohler on Strange New World
“Carl Trueman is one of the most important public intellectuals of our time, and this book, Strange New World, should be required reading for anyone seeking to understand our present age. Trueman offers a brilliant analysis of the modern mind, the autonomous self, identity politics, and the sexual revolution. This book demonstrates courage on every page, and the reader will draw courage from reading it. Read it and tell your friends about it.”