This Sunday at Summit Woods, you will notice some new books have been placed on the shelves in the welcome desk that are available to you. These are resources we would like to highlight to the congregation for a period of time. These resources will change about 3 times a year to highlight a new set of titles we think will be edifying.
The purpose of highlighting these resources is simply to put biblically solid, Christ-exalting, affection-fueling resources in the hands of the members of Summit Woods for their personal growth in the Lord, to equip them to do the work of ministry, and for use in discipleship relationships.
Perhaps you’ve been looking for a new book for yourself to read in your devotional time, or perhaps you’ve been wanting to get together with a brother or sister in the Lord to encourage them in their walk with the Lord – these resources are there to be readily available for you.
There will essentially be 4 categories of resources that we will highlight this time around: theology, sanctification, Christian biography, and the church.
Every other month we will send out a blog highlighting one of these resources. The first of these is our theology resource: Providence by John Piper
Theology Resource
Providence by John Piper - $18
The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe. God’s providence carries his plans into action, guides all things toward his ultimate goal, and leads to the final consummation.
John Piper draws on a lifetime of theological reflection, biblical study, and practical ministry to lead readers on a stunning tour of the sightings of God’s providence — from Genesis to Revelation — to discover the all-encompassing reality of God’s purposeful sovereignty over all of creation and all of history.
“John Piper, with his characteristic clarity and focus on the biblical text, shows us the pervasiveness of God’s providence in the Scriptures. Piper lingers over the biblical text, and we see in text after text that God rules over all of reality, from the smallest atom to horrific disasters. As we have come to expect from Piper, he turns our eyes to the infinite greatness and beauty of God, while reminding us that God’s providence constitutes amazing good news for those of us who know Jesus Christ.” - Thomas Schreiner, Professor, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“There are many books by John Piper that I would recommend to believers because of the depth and freshness of thought in his writings. Providence will rank among the highest on the list. The breadth of God’s providence that is covered here is breathtaking. Piper leaves no stone unturned! Read it and see for yourself. This is a landmark work!” - Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church