You are great. You are strong and mighty, gracious and merciful. You are the God who never fails, the God who never lies, the God who always does what is right.
You are our rock of strength, a fortress which cannot be overcome.
In you we take refuge, in you we are never ashamed.
According to your will, you lead us and guide us, you deliver us from our foolishness, and preserve us through trials, you give understanding and wisdom to those who ask.
We know that you hear our prayers – our prayers for help, our prayers for wisdom, our prayers for salvation. In your righteousness, and for your name’s sake, you hear and respond to our prayers.
When we feel the pain of loss, and turn to you for comfort, you are kind and gentle.
When we feel the pain of our sin, and turn to you in repentance, you are gracious and forgiving.
When we feel the pain of rejection, rejection because of our union with Christ, and turn to you, your spirit assures us that you will never leave or forsake us, that we are yours forever.
When we don’t know what to do, and turn to you for help, your spirit and your word guide us and lead us in right paths.
How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, for those who take refuge in you.
Into your hands we commit our spirits, knowing that you have ransomed us for your glory and according to your good pleasure, and that you will preserve us in your love until Christ returns.