We give thanks to the Lord for you are good. For we know your lovingkindness is everlasting. We have seen your goodness in the testimonies we have heard this morning. We have seen your goodness in the faithful response of these believers to be obedient in their public professions of faith and public connection to your local body. They are now identified with us as part of the bride of Christ. We are thankful with them for your calling on their lives. They were dead in their sin and now they are alive in Christ. They were once unable and unwilling to believe and repent and now they are heirs to your kingdom. You gave them life. You transformed their heart. You did the work that only you can do. That saving work displays your kindness and your love for sinners who were formerly slaves to their flesh but now are slaves of Christ. We thank you and praise you for your saving grace.
We know and acknowledge God that you do something extraordinary when you save us. For your glory, you gave your righteous Son to bear the wrath for our sin. We were rebels to your ways and your name. We were your enemies and we contribute nothing on our part, YET, you grant us salvation simply through faith in Christ and repentance from our sins. We are cleansed from our filthy sins. We are declared justified, we are forever reconciled and we are eternally secure in your steadfast grip. We cling to you and you will never let us go. Your saving work is for your glory and your glory alone. Our rightful response is overwhelming thanksgiving and praise. Not for what you give us but for who you are.
Father your word tells us to rejoice in the Lord always and that you are near. Your word tells us not to be anxious but instead pray to you with thanksgiving. In doing so the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Father, I pray this is true of us as a church. I pray that it is true of me. May we be known for our thankfulness not our anxiousness. May we be known for our rejoicing in the Lord and not our hand-wringing. May we be known for our praises and not our grumbling. May we be known for our contentedness because we are comforted knowing you are indeed near and you are good. I pray we are continually reminded and remain in wonder at your grace and kindness. Help us consider who you are and respond with thanksgiving. Consider you are our God in heaven who does all that He pleases. You are Yahweh and there is no other. You are the one forming light and creating darkness. You work all things to the counsel of your will. That is good. May we be marked as thankful people in light of these truths.