Father God, it is an undeserved privilege to serve you by serving your church and in particular serving these students and their parents. We strive to magnify You by making disciples of Christ through teaching and investing in our students. We know the primary means You use to save and to sanctify is the preaching of Your Word. It is our desire for every student to be saved and then grow in maturity. To grow in conformity to the image of your Son. We know Your word is sufficient, powerful, and effective to accomplish this work. We pray Your Spirit will bring spiritually dead students to life. I pray we will be found faithful as we preach and teach the Scriptures and You will cause students to respond in repentance and faith.
Father God, I’m grateful for all those You have uniquely equipped and called to this place to disciple our students. May each be found faithful in their ministry to teach and model Christ before the students. I pray, by your grace, that the leaders develop significant relationships with students and these relationships will last years beyond HS graduation. I pray You will expand their influence as they come alongside parents to help reinforce what is taught in the home and submit to biblical instruction. I pray these leaders will demonstrate genuine humility and growing dependence upon You for the students to observe. I pray those who influence our students will indeed be worthy of imitation and shepherd that influence with great care.
We know Your word calls parents to bring their children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord and to teach all that the Lord has commanded. Father, elp us as the church to come alongside parents to support them in complementary ways as they seek to fulfill their responsibility to evangelize, disciple, and teach their children. May the efforts of our church always be seen as in addition to, and never instead of parents, as we seek to minister to students and parents alike.
Father, we know prayer is central to any ministry. I pray this church is faithful in praying regularly and zealously for our students and their parents. Burden us as a church family to fulfill what You have commanded us to do – pray for our students because You are glorified in our prayer. Pray because You hear and act on our behalf. Father, You know our needs, nonetheless, make us more reliant and dependent on You through our prayer.
Motivated by brotherly love, remind us to fervently pray that You would save and sanctify these students. We know the depths of our depravity and we understand no one comes to Christ without the Father first drawing them. We pray you will do your sovereign work to save and sanctify these students. Might You use us as your ambassadors for Your honor and glory alone.