Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.
We are gathered here today because of the good news. This church exists because of good news. This season of Christmas is all about good news. Our meeting together today is a direct consequence of the good news.
We rejoice in the good news that you sent your Son into this world as our Savior, our Messiah, our Lord.
We marvel at the good news that although He was God, He humbled himself and took on human form, and that He lived a perfect, sinless life—completely fulfilling every requirement of your righteous law.
We look up from our place of condemnation with indescribable hope at the good news that He died a substitutionary death on the cross; that as the perfectly just one, He took on the guilt and the punishment of the unjust, and suffered the holy wrath that we deserve.
We worship joyfully and reverently at the good news that he conquered sin and death, that He rose from the grave three days later, and that He is now seated with the Father, to faithfully intercede for those who turn to Him in repentance and faith.
And this good news brings us great joy and brings you supreme glory.
It is our joy to revel in the incarnation. It is our joy to receive His righteousness by faith. It is our joy to receive blessings instead of wrath, grace instead of justice, and our joy to receive eternal life. Above all, it is our joy to be reconciled to you, to have peace with you. It is our joy to know you, love you, trust you.
We thank you for your providential provision of this joy, and we ask that as a result of your Gospel proclaimed today, you might be glorified
You are shown to be the supreme treasure that you are.
You are shown to be righteous, trustworthy, the giver of every good gift, and the eternal joy of your people.
Might you receive true glory and undistracted worship from our hearts this day through Christ. In His name we pray. Amen.