Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.
Lord, what a privilege it is to witness Blake’s baptism this morning as he obeys Christ’s commandment to his church to publicly profess our faith.
Just as our Lord was baptized, each of us is called to follow his example as an indication of our faith.
A faith that is characterized by genuine repentance and the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit that begins upon conversion and produces in us a newness of life, characterized by new desires and new actions.
We celebrate this as an illustration of our Lord’s work and power (through his death, burial, and resurrection) for all men, and its effect through faith on us, causing us to die to self and to be filled with His power; raised to walk in new life serving him and serving each other selflessly.
We pray for our brother Blake as a member of the spiritual body of Christ’s believers and as a member of this church that he will honor the Lord by committing himself to him and his authority.
We pray that for each of us, as we live out our days on this earth and look to a glorious eternity, reconciled to you forever.
It is in the name of our Lord and Savior we pray, Amen.