Elder's Prayer

Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.

Heavenly Father, 

We take comfort in your unchanging nature. The heavens and the earth and all the works of your hands will perish but you endure. They will all wear out and be changed but you will remain the same. 

We rise and fall in our emotions. Our passions run wild and sometimes they run dry. Our joy ebbs and flows. Our peace varies based on whom and what we have fixed our hope on. 

But you remain the same. Your essence, your nature, your perfections are unchangeable.  

And yet, you sympathize with us and have compassion on us.  

Your faithfulness to us in times of need is beyond comforting. It rests us in you by your grace. 

We thank you that you have decreed the ends as well as the means. Father, we would not be able to make sense of anything in our lives without your unchanging providence through it all.  

You know us not from our existence, but we exist because you know us. Nothing that we are or what we do can ever lie outside of your knowledge of us. 

Gracious Lord, recognizing our insignificance, we humble ourselves before you, the only wise God.  

 Be our God unto eternity. Lead us to our Bridegroom, our glory. In His exalted name we pray, Amen.