Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.
As those reconciled to you by the pardoning work of your Son, we confidently come before you as sons and daughters.
No longer enemies, no longer in fear, but joyfully submitted to your gracious paternity.
As we draw near, we dependently petition you on behalf of a number in our body.
We pray for Zach and Madeline McConnell, and the joyful new union you brought together yesterday. We pray for your work in their hearts as they seek to biblically serve and care for one another as your word instructs. That Zach would love and cherish Madeline as Christ loved the church, and that Madeline would seek to honor and submit to Zach as the head of the home. We pray for your wisdom and guidance as your plans for where they will live and work are unveiled. We pray that they would not be anxious, lacking trust in the sovereign plans that you have already established, but that they would joyfully anticipate your abundant care for them.
We pray for our work of discipleship in their home. That we would be a means of encouragement, instruction, exhortation, and service to them. That we would help them to see You and that your grace in our service to them would be so evident and a means of highlighting your care for them.
We pray for Beth Childers, and her recovery from recent knee surgery. Please bring about swift recovery, and graciously help her to endure the pain and rehab with dependent, expectant joy in you. Help us to discern well how we can serve Beth and Jim in ways that display our love and affection for them and ultimately your gracious care.
We pray for Robby and Rachel Angell. We are grateful for your care in bringing them home safely from south Asia. We rejoice in how you have already provided in abundant ways a place to live in the near term and care for Rachel and their expectant new baby. We are overjoyed that we will be able more closely serve the Angells at the birth of their baby. Thank you, Lord, for that surprising gift.
We pray also for your provision for housing more long term, wisdom in how they can best to use this time home for your glory and kingdom, and how we can be a means of encouragement during this time of transition and waiting.
Thank you, Lord, that you instruct us to draw near to you; we do so with a spirit of dependence, with expectant hope and joyful submission. We are overwhelmed with your love for us.
In Jesus Name -- Amen