Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.
Lamentations 3
Father as we come before you today, help us to look with awesome wonder at your greatness
As Your prophet says in Lamentations in the midst of the destruction of Jerusalem, when we ponder who you are, not our circumstances, we have hope-hope that transcends all earthly understanding
Your word teaches us that your steadfast love never ceases-Your mercies never end
Help us to recall that each and every day as we face the challenges of living on this earth
As we struggle with the consequences of sin-both in the world and in our own hearts, may we be reminded that your mercies are new every morning-that your faithfulness is great
We look to you and the demonstration of Your mercy for us when we recall that you did not spare your Son, but sent him to die on the cross, bearing our sins
Our hope rests on the promise that one day Christ will return and take us home-but until then, we wait-but not in idleness
We wait by seeking you in your transforming word each day
We wait on you by serving you and one another until the return of our Lord
We proclaim your greatness to a lost and dying world-just as our team is doing abroad this week
We pray their efforts will bear fruit for your kingdom as they seek to make disciples
We pray for the evangelism team in this church seeking to proclaim your greatness that you would use them for that purpose-training others also to be disciple-makers-even later this morning at the luncheon they are hosting
We bow before you in humble adoration-and proclaim how great thou art-and we do so in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.