Elder's Prayer

Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.

You are one God, Father, Son, and Spirit. You will reign forever. You are our God.

Our God is father, the maker of heaven and earth, the one who conceived of and formed all things, the one who accomplishes all his will and none can stand against it, the one who tells the seas how far they can go and no farther, the one who delivered his people from slavery, the one who sent his son to save us.

Our God is son, the righteous one, the one who was there at the beginning, the one who left his glory and took on flesh, the one who did and said all that the father gave him to do and say, the one who fulfilled all righteousness, the one who died in our place, the one who rose from the grave, the one who sits at the right hand of the father, the one who sent his spirit to be with us.

Our God is spirit, the one who was active at creation, the one who gives new life to the sinner, the one who helps us understand all that he inspired men to write, the one who works in us to complete what Christ started, the one who does all that the father gives him to do, the one who does all that the son gives him to do, the one who seals us and preserves us to the end.

You are that God and you are the God who reigns forever.

Because of who you are, we can have faith. Remind us that our faith is not placed in things that are passing away. Our faith is not in health or money or relationships or in earthly peace and comfort. Our faith is in a God who has made himself known to us, a God who has saved us, a God who keeps us saved. Our faith is in the God who reigns forever.

Because of who you are, we can have hope. Remind us that even though hope does not see all that it wants to see right now, one day we will see. One day our hope will become sight. Remind us that our hope is in the God who is eternal, the God gives a savior to hope in, our hope is in a God who indwells those who believe.

Because of who you are, we can have confidence. So when we struggle with temptation, doubt, suffering, or sorrow, remind us that we can still have confidence in all of life’s situations that you are a God who is always loving, a God who is quick to forgive those who ask, a God who holds us fast. And will hold us forever.

You are a God who reigns and loves and forgives and preserves forever.
