GSM Wednesday Night @ Raintree Community Church

April 10, 2024

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Coordinator:  Raylene Tormanen

In lieu of a normal Wednesday night at SWBC, GSM will be joining Raintree Community Church’s student ministry on April 10th. As you know, we’ve invited Raintree to a number of our GSM events and they’ve extended a return invitation to join them on this night for a time of fellowship and sitting under the preaching of the Word. We’re looking forward to fellowshipping with this like-minded local church again!

Drew Erickson, the youth director at RCC, will be preaching on Ephesians 4:1-10. Drew is a graduate of Calvary Bible College and has been at RCC since 2007. When Stephen Conley came to RCC one of the needs was for someone to lead the student ministry there. Stephen has communicated how faithfully and sacrificially Drew has stepped into that role.

GSM leaders will be at RCC (101 SW Raintree Dr, Lee's Summit, MO 64082) by 6:15pm if you need to drop your students off early in order to get back to SWBC in time for other mid-week activities. We’ll also stick around afterward so you have plenty of time to get to RCC once activities at SWBC wrap up. Please try to be there to pick up your student by 8:15pm.