A King's Call to Follow
Feb 26, 2012 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Matthew 4:18–4:22 Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Pillars of a Faithful Church: Leadership Faithfulness
Feb 26, 2012 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1–3:13 Series: 1 Timothy
A King Goes Solo: Learning Patience and Focus in Serving God
Feb 19, 2012 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Matthew 4:12–4:17 Series: The Gospel of Matthew
What Temptation Reveals
Feb 12, 2012 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Matthew 4:1–4:11 Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Pillars of a Faithful Church: Functional Faithfulness
Feb 12, 2012 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: 1 Timothy 2:8–2:15 Series: 1 Timothy
A Baptist Baptizes His King
Feb 5, 2012 Speaker: Bret Capranica Passage: Matthew 3:13–3:17 Series: The Gospel of Matthew