Recently, we were asked by someone attending our church as to our reasoning behind how often we participate in the Lord’s Table. That is a great question.

For those of you who have enjoyed this time with us you know that the Lord’s Table is a highlight for us here at Summit Woods. A number of years ago, we celebrated the Table once each quarter (our bylaws call for us to participate at least once every quarter). Over the past few years, we have moved to once a month. Why only once a month? Why not participate in the Table every week?

Biblically, a case can be made that the early church met daily and possibly engaged in the Lord’s Supper on a daily basis in their earliest meetings (Acts 2:42, 46). Acts 20:7 shows what one congregation did on at least one occasion (there is some debate as to what “broke bread” included - perhaps the Lord’s Supper and a full congregational meal). However, the book of Acts is not necessarily prescriptive in what every church should do, but descriptive of what the early church (sometimes specific congregations) was (were) doing. That the Lord’s Supper was an important and regular part of the congregation’s gathering seems clear, but not necessarily prescriptive in how often is was to be conducted. The longest passage in Scripture that speaks to how churches are to participate in the supper in in 1 Corinthians 11. As we see it, this passage does not prescribe a frequency, but emphasizes what should be done each time the congregation does participate in it (1 Corinthians 11:26, “for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup. . .”).

At Summit Woods, we tend to give significant time to participating in the table (i.e., we sing together, give a bit of explanation about the table and its meaning). Because of the additional time we tend to give to this ordinance, while not cutting short the other significant elements of our gathering (teaching God’s word, singing, praying together, etc.), we have elected not to do this every week. However, we do believe the Table is a vital public proclamation of our identity as the Body of Christ, so we have landed on participating in it together at least once every month.

We take it to be a point of congregational prudence in how and why that church chooses the frequency of participating together as a church in the Lord’s Table. We would not be opposed to weekly observance, nor would we think it biblically necessary to require it.

The Elders