Looking Back

This past Sunday we were reminded of the various ways people responded, and still do respond to our Savior. By looking at the trial of Jesus we saw his rejection, denial, and exaltation. The unbelieving high priest along with the other Jewish leaders entirely rejected and condemned the innocent Christ. Peter was an unfaithful disciple who emphatically denied his Lord. And in his responses to the events unfolding around him Christ was exalted as the Merciful Savior.

Listen Again

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Thinking and Acting Ahead

  • As you think through the sermon again, think on the majesty and mercy of the Savior. While the Jewish leaders were making up lies, condemning, and mocking the one they should’ve been worshipping, Christ was resolute. He didn’t seek to defend himself. He knew his time had come. He knew this was the very purpose for which he had come and he embraced the suffering that was ordained for him, for the sake of his own. On the cross Christ would ask the Father to forgive them. Peter, cursed and denied his Lord and Savior, but Jesus would later affirm and use Peter mightily to build his church. Thinking on his forgiveness and mercy, how should we respond to our Savior? What will you do this week to worship his greatness?
  • When suffering comes upon you, maybe even this week, how will you seek to model the response of Christ in that situation?
  • Are you gradually distancing yourself from Christ and his body as Peter gradually distanced himself from Christ? Are you closing off relationships with other believers? Pray that the Lord would help those who are, and if you are personally struggling with this, repent and ask the Lord to forgive you, knowing that he will as he did Peter, reach out to those who you are distancing yourself from and seek reconciliation with them.
  • Christ models the kind of forgiveness and mercy that we are to follow. Are you withholding forgiveness from someone? If so, think on how much God how forgiven you, and how this creates a willingness to forgive others in your own heart. Seek reconciliation with those you have been neglecting to forgive.