The following is the announcement by the elders (read by Bret Capranica) on reaffirming Rob Stouffer as an elder for a second term.

According to our bylaws, lay elders serve 3-year terms.  An elder may be affirmed to serve two consecutive terms before our bylaws stipulate they must take a year off before serving again as an elder.

In October, Rob Stouffer and Brett Harris will reach the end of his first 3-year term.  Rob has agreed to continue serving IF the congregation affirms their service for a second 3-year term.  Brett has chosen not to stand for re-affirmation for a second term at this time.

As a body, we must vote to either affirm or deny Rob's willingness to serve us for another 3-year team.

For those of you who are new or might not remember, Rob withstood a rigorous process of testing and examination of his biblical qualifications before being recommended to the body to serve as an elder in October 2009.  An elder examination board headed by the elders conducted this examination.  His personal character, theology and biblical understanding was thoroughly examined.  Additionally, Rob taught during a Sunday evening service and was exposed to public and private questioning from the body.  That process concluded with a congregational vote to affirm him to serve as an elder for a 3 year term.

Over the last 3 years, Rob has served our body well.  He has made personal sacrifices to serve us during a challenging time of transition for our church.  He played an invaluable role, along with the other elders, during the pastor search process that lead us to Pastor Bret. His leadership has been steady, faithful and always done for the purpose of honoring God.

It is with a sense of eagerness and enthusiasm that the elders, standing alongside the staff and deacons, recommend to the body to overwhelmingly affirm Rob to continue serving as an elder for another 3-year term.

The bylaws do not stipulate what the elder affirmation process should look like – simply that it be done.  For several months, the elders have given thought, discussion, and prayer to what this process should look like.  As with all our efforts, we want this to be an open and transparent process that includes and encourages congregational participation.

With that in mind, here is the process that we face as a congregation:

  • October 21 at the end of our morning service, we will have a ballot vote to affirm or reject Rob for another 3-year term.
  • Absentee ballots will be available in the church office the week preceding October 21.
  • Results of the affirmation vote will be communicated to the church via email and church website on October 21.
  • Over the next two Sunday mornings – Rob will be available during our fellowship time from 10-10:30 at the welcome table in the foyer to answer any questions you might have.  If you weren’t here 3 years ago for his original examination period, consider these times as an opportunity for you to personally examine him.
  • This week’s e-newsletter will contain the schedule of our process I just outlined along with Rob’s contact information if you wish to contact him personally. 

The elders, deacons and staff are unaware of any issue that would disqualify him from serving another term.  If you have a concern regarding their biblical qualifications to serve according to 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1, we need to know that immediately.  You should bring any disqualifying issue to the attention of Rob directly.  An allegation against an elder is a serious matter and one that is not taken lightly.  Please involve any of the elders if you have such a charge to make.

Congregation - Please join with the elders and begin praying for this time of congregational affirmation of our leadership.  May this be a season where our body is united in prayer for our church leadership and drawn closer to God as we recognize again His faithful and specific provision to us through the equipping and service of Rob.