Prepare your heart for the Sermon by looking through these suggestions that will assist you in making the most of our time together hearing God's Word.
You will find suggestions for thinking more critically through the passage, meditating more intently on the text, and prayerfully seeking wisdom to deepen your understanding of the passage to be preached this Sunday.
Carefully Think
- Read 1 Thess 2:5-8. What is this larger section of the book arguing for?
- What is the connection between v. 4 and 5? What does the “for” at the beginning of v. 5 indicate?
- Summarize how Paul and the others did not come to the Thessalonians as described in vv. 5-6.
- What is “flattering speech”? What kind of flattering speech have you heard in preaching? Why would flattering speech be so dangerous?
- Where else have we seen “as you know” in this chapter? Why do you think Paul keeps emphasizing this?
- What does a “pretext for greed” mean? Why would a pretext for greed be dangerous in a preacher?
- What contrast is being drawn with the word “but” in v. 7? How does Paul positively describe his ministry to the Thessalonians in v. 7? How is this the opposite of what he described in vv. 5-6?
Prayerfully Meditate
- What is the main idea of these verses? How do these verses contribute to the larger section?
- What would this kind of ministry look like in our church?
- Do you see any of the negative motives Paul describes in vv. 5-6 in yourself?
- Consider how you might grow in your love for those who serve you in the way these verses describe.
- Consider how you might personally seek to minister to others in the way vv. 7-8 describe.