Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 17:24-27. Summarize the main idea of this section in one sentence.
  • Who approaches Peter? Why do they focus on Peter (especially in light of recent events with Peter - Matthew 16:13ff)?
  • What kind of tax is being referred to?
  • When does Jesus respond to Peter?
  • In Jesus’ parable in verse 25, who do “the kings of the earth refer to?” How do you know? Who do the “sons” and “others” refer to? How do you know?
  • What is Jesus teaching Peter?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • What should we conclude about living under earthly authorities and being under God’s divine authority at the same time?
  • Jesus had offended the Jews previously, why did he seek to not offend them now? What are we to learn from this?
  • List some principles that would assist you in knowing when you should obey the laws of the land without offending cultural authority and when you should resist laws within the culture?
  • What attitudes are addressed in this section? How should your attitudes be personally affected?

Intentionally Act

  • How should this passage provide encouragement to you? Express gratitude to God for this now.
  • What sins come to mind as a result of thinking through this passage? Confess them to God now.
  • How would this passage help you pray right now for other Christians? Spend time in prayer for them.
  • How would this passage help you to interact with and pray for non-Christians in our culture? What should you do?
  • Pray for believers to be equipped and non-Christians to be convicted as we all gathering this Sunday.
  • Pray for those leading the service to edify the body of Christ and make the gospel clear: Dawson Bryant, music; Adam Naler, Elders’ Prayer and Scripture Reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Listen to the songs we will be singing this Sunday and meditate on the lyrics so that you are prepared to sing with understanding and zeal.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - November 23, 2014