Prayerfully Meditate

  • What is your typical approach to preparing your heart to hear from God through his word on Sunday?
  • How would the following passages assist you in preparing yourself to hear from God on Sunday: James 1:19-25; 1 Peter 2:1-2; 2 Thessalonians 3:1. What role should confession of sin and prayer play in your preparation to listen?
  • Make a list of what you can and should pray about in preparing to hear God's Word on Sunday.
  • What does your schedule look like on Saturday evening so that you are physically and spiritually prepared to hear God's word? What do you need to adjust and why?
  • What does your schedule look like on Sunday morning that will help you be best prepared to hear God's Word? What do you need to adjust and why?
  • What is your approach to actively listening to a sermon during the sermon? Do you take notes? How? How do you use those notes after the message? 
  • How could your interactions with each other on Sunday encourage the way you listen and receive God's Word?

ISongs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - October 4, 2015