Carefully Think

  • Read Romans 15:22-29. Who is Paul writing to (Rom 1:7)?
  • Why does Paul now feel he has the ability to go to Rome?
  • In addition to visiting with the saints in Rome, what does Paul want to accomplish while with them?
  • What ministry is he presently involved in as he writes to the Romans?
  • When he finishes his present ministry task, what does he want to do?
  • Why would Paul want to go to Spain?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • What does this intense amount of travel and ministry say about what Paul was devoted to?
  • As you read through the passage again, what sort of principles could you derive about what is involved in being a faithful missionary?
  • How could this passage assist you in praying for those who serve in this sort of missionary ministry?
  • What would keep you from serving with a similar heart for ministry (even if you could not travel as Paul does) here in your sphere of influence?
  • From what you read here, how important is the local church to the Apostle Paul in his missionary activity?

Intentionally Act

  • Pray specifically for the 3 families from our church who have been sent out for vocational ministry abroad: Bowmans, Hoelschers, Basnetts. How could you make yourself more aware of how you can pray specifically for them and their ministry. How would this passage give you principles to use in praying for them?
  • Pray about your own life of service. What would keep you from going to serve saints and the unreached in other parts of the world? What would keep you from significantly supporting those who serve in other countries?
  • Be sure to attend the Missions Fair this Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to hear from our teams that served in the Czech Republic and in Southeast Europe this summer. Also prayerfully visit all of the tables of outreach ministries our church is actively involved. Is God calling you to become more active in any one of them?
  • Pray for those who will be leading the service this Sunday – that they will edify the body in the most helpful way: Dawson Bryant, music; Sam Karl, Elders’ prayer and Scripture reading, Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will be singing this Sunday. Download any you do not have in your music library and prepare yourself to sing with the church.

Songs for Sunday



Morning and Evening Gathering - October 28, 2012