Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 6:16-18
  • How would you define biblical fasting?
  • List as many biblical examples as you can of people who fasted. Why did they fast? What did they do when they fasted? How long did they fast? Did it ever include anything other than abstaining from food? What emotions were present as people fasted?
  • List what Jesus says not to do when fasting in Matthew 6:16.
  • List what Jesus says to do when fasting in Matthew 6:17.
  • What is the reason for these actions (v 18)?
  • What is the main point of these verses?
  • How do these verses fit with the previous illustrations on giving and prayer? How does this illustrate the point of 6:1?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • During these days of holiday abundance and perhaps even indulgence, what could biblical fasting teach us?
  • What would be some good reasons for you to participate in a biblical fast? How could it benefit you even around a holiday season like Christmas?
  • Have you ever fasted for spiritual purposes? Why? How did it assist you? If you have never fasted, why? What would cause you to ever participate in a fast?
  • Why would Jesus use fasting to illustrate his point in 6:1? 

Intentionally Act

  • What has the holiday season revealed about your priorities so far? About where God fits within your priorities? Would fasting in order to reorient your desires and priorities on Christ be appropriate after the holidays? When? How will you approach it? If not, why?
  • Plan to study the subject of fasting from a purely biblical standpoint. Use a concordance to look up references to it and see what you learn about who fasted, what they did, what emotions were involved, why they fasted, how long they fasted, etc.
  • Pray for those who will be present Sunday and do not know Christ. Pray that our worship and God's word will be used of God to open their hearts to see their true hunger for Christ.
  • Pray for those who will be leading the service Sunday, that they will edify the body and be effectively used for God's glory: Dawson Bryant, music; Rob Stouffer, Elders' Prayer and Scripture Reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will sing, listening to them also through the weekend to prepare yourself to sing with the congregation.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - December 23, 2012