Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 6:5-15.
  • Remind yourself of the main idea Jesus is promoting in the entire section. How does it relate to the main principle in 6:1?
  • What is the difference in emphasis between 6:9-10 and 6:11-15?
  • Why is the focus on "daily" bread? • What does Jesus suggest motivates us praying for forgiveness (v 12).
  • If God does not tempt us (James 1:13ff), why would we pray for God not to lead us into temptation?
  • How are 6:14-15 consistent with the concept of grace? Is our being forgiven contingent upon us first forging other people?
  • Why is forgiveness of sin emphasized in 2 places in this prayer?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • When was the last time you felt yourself actually desperate that God would provide your daily nourishment physically? How are we to think, in our properous culture, about the request, "Give us this day our daily bread?"
  • What keeps us from being more dependent upon God for our daily needs?
  • Who, in your life, do you have a difficult time extending forgiveness to? Why? What have they done? How does Jesus' prayer encourage us to handle forgiveness toward others?
  • What should motivate our forgiveness?
  • What should we be concerned about if we will not extend forgiveness to another?

Intentionally Act

  • On at least three occasions this week, open your Bible to this passage and use it as a guide for your time of prayer. How does it help? What is most challenging in doing it?
  • How is unforgiveness hindering the effectiveness of your prayer life? Think about how to specifically apply 6:14-15.
  • Use this model prayer in 6:9-13 in praying for our worship service this Sunday.
  • Pray for those who do not know Christ and will be present in our service - that their hearts will be opened to God's greateness, their needs, and the work of Christ to save them.
  • Pray for those who will be leading the service this Sunday: Dawson Bryant, music; Rob Stouffer, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching. Pray that they will edify the church body.
  • Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will sing, and listen to them through the weekend to prepare yourself to sing with the church.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - December 9, 2012