Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 26:36-46.  Read Matthew 26:1-46 to re-trace the events that are leading up to this passage to keep the picture of the day in mind.
  • Where is the placed called Gethsemane?  Who is with him as Jesus enters Gethsemane?  Who does He take with Him to pray?  Is this signficant?
  • How do you understand what the ESV translates as "my soul is very sorrowful, even to death"?  Do you think these words accurately display Jesus feelings at that momeent?
  • What has brought the Lord Jesus to feel this way?  How do you know? 
  • Have we ever seen Jesus fall prostrate in prayer?  If so, where?  If not, why?  What does that say about his prayer and how he feels?
  • What did he tell the three disciples who went with him to do?  Why could they not do it?
  • What is the significance of Jesus' prayer to the His Heavenly Father?  Does this show unwillingness?
  • How does the time in prayer end?  Where does Jesus go?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • How do you view Jesus actions in the garden; as a weak man or a stong savior?  Why doe He desire to turn to His Heavenly Father in prayer when he knows the plans set before Him?
  • What in the disciples actions do we see in ourselves in our response to Jesus?
  • Jesus' example in this matter demonstrates a high value of prayer with His Heavenly Father.  Should that stir us to prayer in our circumstances?
  • How does this scene compare to the previous passage where the disciples do not trust Jesus' words for their future? 

Intentionally Act

  • Ask God for a desire to depend on Him more and trust His sovereign plans over our comfort and desires. 
  • Pray for exposing your heart to areas in your life where you desire your will to be done and not your Creator and Sovereign Lord's will.  Repent in humility before your Father.
  • Look for ways we as a church can submit more fully to God's will in the commands he has given us to do. 
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Brandon Ferguson, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Prepare in the music below for our gathering Sunday. Reflect on the lyrics in preparation of singing together.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering Lyrics - March 6, 2016