Carefully Think
- Read Matthew 15:29-39. How would you sum up this passage in one sentence?
- Compare this passage with Mark 7:31-8:10. What is similar/different?
- Read Mark 7:31. What information about Jesus' location does Mark add? Find that place on a map of Palestine in Jesus' time. What is significant about his location?
- What is the response of the crowds to Jesus' healing ministry (15:31)?
- Compare the feeding of the 4000 with the feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21). What is similar? What is different?
- What would Jesus' point be to the disciples and the crowds by doing a similar miracle as he had done previously?
Prayerfully Meditate
- From Jesus' location of these miracles in this passage, what do we learn about who Jesus is now ministering to as opposed to who he had been focused upon? How would this have impacted the disciples? the Pharisees? the Jews? the Gentiles?
- What areas of your life have you seen God teach you lessons of faith in and then re-teach those lessons in similar, reoccuring ways? What does it say about God, us, faith, growth?
- What do Christ's works show him to be? How is God teaching you this? What makes learning this lesson so difficult for us so often?
- What does it take for you to joyfully, willingly, with risk, trust in Jesus?
Intentionally Act
- What points of encouragement should you draw from this passage? What areas of deficiency does it suggest in you? How should you respond in prayer to Jesus now?
- How could you use this passage to talk to a non-Christian about who Jesus is and why they should turn from their approach to life and follow him? What non-Christians in your life come to mind? How will you plan to act on this?
- How could you use this passage to encourage another Christian in how to trust in Christ? What Christians comes to mind who could use your encouragement this week?
- Pray for God's Word to bear fruit this Sunday in the lives of non-Christians and believers as we gather.
- Pray for those who will be leading the service: Dawson Bryant, music; Ryan Bowman, prayer time and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
- Listen to the songs we will sing on Sunday and meditate on the lyrics as you prepare yourself to sing with the congregation.
Songs for Sunday
- Lead On, O King Eternal (Video)
- See, He Comes (Video)
- Be Thou My Vision (Video)
- Show Us Christ (Video)