Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 13:10-17.
  • How would you summarize this passage in one sentence?
  • What is the relationship of this passage to 13:1-9, 18-23?
  • What reason(s) did Jesus give for speaking to the crowds in parables?
  • What is the contrast between the disciples' spiritual state and the majority in the crowds? What in the passage tells you that?
  • What did the Jewish crowds possess that would be taken from them (v 12)?
  • What in the passage reveals God's role in salvation?
  • What in the passage points to our responsibility in regard to salvation?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • What does Jesus mean by "understand" (v 13, 14, 15, 19, 23)? The stories themselves were not too difficult to make sense of - so what is Jesus referring to when he says he speaks in parables?
  • What do the parables highlight about the crowds? What do the parables highlight about the disciples?
  • In what ways do we see these truths played out today?
  • What effect should possessing a true spiritual understanding, given by God, have upon us (vv 16-17)?

Intentionally Act

  • How could this passage assist you in praying for those who do not have Christ? Who, in your life, would this be that you could spend time praying for now?
  • Spend time in prayerful gratitude for God's grace in giving you spiritual understanding. Meditate on the blessings of having such knowledge.
  • How could this passage assist you in praying for our gathering on Sunday? Spend time praying specifically for both non-Christians and believers who will be present. Pray that this passage will be used to bring life, confirm faith, and equip the saints.
  • Pray that those who lead our gathering on Sunday will do so in a most edifying and God-gloryifying way: Dawson Bryant, music; Brandon Ferguson, Elders' Prayer and Scripture Reading; Bret Caprancia, teaching.
  • Listen to, pray through, and prepare yourself in the lyrics of the songs we will sing together on Sunday. How do they give unique praise to Christ?

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - February 16, 2014