Carefully Think

  • Read Matthew 11:1-19.
  • Sum up this passage in one sentence.
  • Why would John the Baptist ask the question about Jesus identity in light of his confession of Christ in John 1 and John 3?
  • How does Jesus answer John's question and why is it significant?
  • What does Jesus tell the crowds about the significance of John and his ministry?
  • How and why can the "least in the kingdom of heaven" be greater than John the Baptist?
  • What does 11:12 have to do with John the Baptist, those who are least in the kingdom, and those who are greater in the kingdom?
  • What were Jesus' and John's critics saying about them and what did the criticism reveal about the critic's heart?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • What makes someone great in God's kingdom?
  • What are the distinguishing marks of legitimate kingdom ministry in a true disciple?
  • Notice the increase of confrontation and critique Jesus is facing in this passage. How are we to defend ourselves in light of those who question the legitimacy of our approach to ministry?
  • How does the final phrase of v 19 help answer the question above?

Intentionally Act

  • Pray for those who serve in public ministry and their focus on legitimate biblically-centered means of serving. Pray they will have confidence before God in how they conduct their minsitry. Pray they will respond appropriately to public critique.
  • Consider who it is we consider great in God's kingdom? Why? On what basis? How should our viewpoints change in light of what Jesus reveals in 11:11? Who would that refer to specifically in your sphere of influence.
  • Pray for non-Christians who will be present Sunday; that they will be convicted of their need of Christ and have their eyes opened to who He is and how they should respond to him.
  • Pray for believers to be equipped and prepared for effective ministry to the saints and to their non-Christian relationships this week as a result of our gathering on Sunday.
  • Pray that those who are leading our gathering on Sunday will edify the body in the most effective ways: Dawson Bryant, music; Brandon Ferguson, Elders' Prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Familiarlize your heart with what we will sing together this Sunday.

Songs for Sunday


Morning Gathering - November 17, 2013.pdf