Carefully Think

  • Read 1 Peter 5:1-5
  • What commonality does Peter claim with the people to whom he is writing?
  • Who specifically is he addressing in this passage? What commands does he give them? What implications does that have for the church of those whom he is addressing?
  • What does Peter say about the attitudes and intentions of those in leadership over the church? What about the attitudes of the remainder of his audience?
  • What rationale does Peter give for his instructions to these people?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Why might these commands have been given to this group?
  • What words would you choose to sum up the congregation that obeys this passage? How would you describe their interactions with each other? What could result if the elders and/or congregation did not obey this passage?
  • How does our elder election process reflect the mandates of this passage?
  • How are the instructions in this passage being employed at Summit Woods?

Intentionally Act

  • Consider your own submission to this passage, based on your role in the church. Are there steps that could be taken to better reflect this passage in your own life? Is there a way you could encourage another member in that regard?
  • Pray for the elders and leadership of the church in light of the specifics in this passage. Consider making this a regular habit if you have not already.
  • Lovingly encourage the elders in specific ways they already do or could improve in reflecting this passage.
  • Pray that the Word would be preached from our pulpit, to gain understanding with a spirit of wisdom and revelation, that we are not only convicted of seeing our sin but even more we would repent and see a perfect and holy God more glorious than all and seek to worship him in truth and love.
  • Pray for those who will be leading our gathering this week: Dawson Bryant, music; Adam Naler, Elders' prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
  • Prepare for our gathering on Sunday by reading through the lyrics of the songs and reflect on them, so that you can focus on edifying one another through song and give praise to the King.

Songs for Sunday


Lyrics Morning Gathering - April 17, 2016