Due to inclement weather, all Wednesday evening activities are cancelled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Exodus Sermon Image Square
Prepare your heart for our Sunday Morning Gathering by looking through these suggestions that will assist you in making the most of our time together.

You will find tangible suggestions for putting scripture to action in your personal life and in our corporate body, links to the songs we will sing, and lyrics for you to prepare for our corporate singing.

Sermon Text for Sunday: Exodus 13

Critically Think

  • Read Exodus 12 to give context to chapter 13. What has just taken place?
  • What feast is being instituted in Chapter 13?
  • What do verses 3-10 tell us about the purpose of the Passover feast?
  • What is the purpose of consecrating the firstborn as detailed in verses 11-16?
  • Why did God lead the people out of Egypt by a longer path according to verse 17?
  •  What do we learn about the faith of Joseph from verse 19?
  • What do we learn about the faithfulness and presence of God in verses 21-22?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Read Exodus 4:22-23. How do you see the theme of firstborn being connected throughout the book of Exodus to this point?
  • What does it mean for something to be consecrated?
  • Why are the people of Israel to observe the Passover and the consecration of the firstborn?
  • Why is it important for the people of Israel to have regular reminders of what God did in leading them out of Egypt?
  • How does God demonstrate that he is the one leading the people out of Egypt in verses 17-22?

Intentionally Act

  • How should remembering the faithfulness of God shape the way you worship?
  • What ways has God shown himself faithful in your life? How can you be reminding yourself of these events?
  • Write down a few scriptures that contain promises to believers. Pray thanking God that he is faithful to keep each of his promises.
  • Click the links below to find the lyrics and recordings of the songs planned for our gathering this Sunday; practice the songs, study the lyrics and sing together.
  • Pray for those leading our corporate gathering this week and for the Holy Spirit’s work as the Word of God is further explained and applied: Colten Honigman: music; Dalton Vansell: elder prayer & scripture reading; Bret Capranica: teaching.

Songs for Sunday

Morning Gathering


Lyrics Morning Gathering - ... by Summit Woods Baptist Church