At our quarterly Member's Meeting, August 28, the elders presented a document that outlines the approach and philosopy of music for our corporate gatherings at SWBC.
This document, based primarily upon a nine-part sermon series by Bret Capranica, seeks to communicate to our congregation what we aim to accomplish and emphasize musically in our corporate gatherings. It also serves to help our elders and staff to evaluate our use of music in our gatherings. The purpose of publicizing this statement is to provide our congregation with a unifying, governing approach that communicates how we approach using music in our church. We encourage you to listen to the series for a fuller description of the material in this document.
The document and a link to Bret Capranica's sermon series, Heaven Help Our Worship, (2/6-4/3/2011) can be found below.
Also, we welcome and invite your questions, feedback, and improvements of this statement. Feel free to contact any of the elders individually or collectively at, or Dawson Bryant at
Philosophy of Music in Our Corporate Gathering: Document
Heaven Help Our Worship: Audio