At last week’s 128 Marriage and Family Conference, during the Q/A session, Jerry Wragg mentioned a few message series he had done at his church in Jupiter, Florida on critical issues. We wanted to make you aware of these and encourage you to interact with them.
The series is entitled, “Critical Thinking.” Topics included:
Examining Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality
Examining the Gender Revolution
Examining the Fallout of Family Collapse
Hope for a New Generation of Dads
Critical Thinking in Critical Times Final Q/A
Critical Thinking on the Family: A Spirit-Filled Home
Critical Thinking on the Family: Gentle and Fearless Submission
Critical Thinking on the Family: A Husband’s Thoughtful, Honoring Leadership
Critical Thinking on the Family: The Christlike Love of a Godly Husband
Critical Thinking on the Family: A Family’s Refuge in the Cultural Storm
Critical Thinking on the Family: Responding to Cultural Assaults with Divinely Powerful Weapons
Critical Thinking on the Family: Biblically Grounded Convictions and Righteous Responses
Critical Thinking on the Family: Perseverance Under Pressure
Critical Thinking on the Family: Q/A
Critical Thinking on Wellness of Body and Soul
When Consciences Collide with Q/A
Critical Thinking on Government, Tyranny, and Conscientious Disobedience