Taken from Psalm 103:15-22
Dear Lord, we come before you with thanksgiving for this day You have given us. Your day, that You have blessed us with once again. May we worship You today with a sincere and genuine heart.
We acknowledge that we are like the grass of the field, our days are short and we are frail, yet You, in Your kindness and love are mindful of us and care for us. Your kindness lasts forever, Your faithfulness and righteousness extends to all generations, to those who love You and are called to be Your children.
Help us Lord to show our love for You by our daily obedience to You, help us to use Your word to know You better and to follow You more closely.
You have established Your throne in heaven and rule over all creation, may You be enthroned afresh in our hearts each day as we look to You in prayer and worship. May we, along with all the angels and all of creation, everything being and creature that serves You in every place praise Your holy name.
In Jesus’ name I pray….