We come to you this morning thankful, grateful, humble that you have done so much for us.
We’re thankful that you created us in your image. We can think, feel, love, all reflective of your abilities and emotions that we read of in your word.
We’re thankful that you made yourself known to us, through your word, through your creation, through your Spirit. Thankful that you are a personal God, an intimate God, a God who walks with his people, a God who never leaves them.
We’re thankful that you have made us aware of our sin, that you have opened our eyes and renewed our hearts so that we might see the depravity and destructiveness of our sin. Sin that is destructive to us, destructive to others, sin that makes us objects of your wrath against sin.
We’re thankful that you provided the payment for our sin. Our sin that deserves eternal punishment, a sin against a holy God, you put that sin onto Christ, who suffered and died in our place that you might freely forgive. It’s a debt that we can never repay.
We’re thankful that you are gracious and merciful. When we ask you to forgive our sin, your word tells us that you will do it. A lifetime of sin forgiven because of your love extended toward us. You are a long-suffering God who is willing and able to forgive.
We’re thankful that you have written your word on our hearts. You, a holy and righteous God, have put your Holy Spirit into our hearts, hearts that have repented and believed, so that we would know and understand your word, and that we might willingly live holy lives before you because we can love you.
We’re thankful that you keep your promises. Your word shows us over and over again how you work to fulfill the promises you made to your people, promises to save, to forgive, to preserve for eternity.
You are our rock, our fortress, our deliverer. In you, we find refuge and hope. You are our shield, our stronghold, our savior.
You alone are worthy of our thankfulness and our praise.
You alone are the only loving and caring and righteous and holy God.