Thank you, Father for the testimony of your love that we just heard.
May we never tire of hearing of your grace and mercy in rescuing sinners.
We are reminded that when we pursue sin, it only leads to misery, but when we pursue you, we find peace.
Therefore, as the author of Hebrews tells us we must take care that there not be in any of us an evil and unbelieving heart leading us to fall away from you.
But rather, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to exhort one another, every day-as long it is called today that not of us may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
We are reminded, in your word, that when we conceal our transgressions, we will not prosper, but when we confess and forsake them, we obtain your mercy.
When we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and not only that, continue in the process of cleansing us from all unrighteousness-to your glory.
Lord, we give thanks for your patience and persistence towards us, undeserving as each of us may be.
As we gather before you today, we ask that you search our hearts and reveal to us any sin we may be harboring and grant to each of us repentance.
Help us to turn from sin and turn instead to your loving grace and mercy.
We ask this in Christ’s holy name - Amen