Lord as we come before you this morning, we are reminded of who you are and what it means for our souls that you are unchanging-immutable.
It means we may confidently put our trust in you because your truth is eternal, and your promises never fail.
We have hope because your steadfast love never ceases.
We know that your mercies never come to an end-they are new every morning-and your faithfulness is great.
You are our portion-you are all that we need-therefore we hope in you alone.
You are our sovereign God-You create and ordain all things.
Help us to recall that truth in the day of our prosperity as well as the day of our adversity, that you ordained one as well as the other.
Help us trust you in our suffering and praise you in our prosperity.
May our praise be acceptable to you this morning as we give joyful thanks in song-singing your praises.
As the psalmist proclaimed-your word is upright.
All your work is done in faithfulness
By your word the heavens were made
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
You Lord, nullify the counsel of the nations;
You frustrate the plans of the peoples.
It is your counsel alone that stands forever,
The plans of Your heart are from generation to generation.
And it is in that truth that we rest and give thanks this morning-it is in Christ’s holy name we pray.