Elder's Prayer

Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.

 Eternal God, who is our Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of everything, to you we owe our reverence, complete obedience and total devotion in love.

Thank you for revealing yourself to us in Trinity, as Father, Son and Spirit.

Thank you Father God for your providential care over your creation, human history and especially working out all things for our good as we are being conformed to the image of your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you Son of God for perfectly revealing to us the will of God from your incarnation - to your sinless obedient life - to your atonement - to your resurrection - and your ascension to be seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for the people you have purchased by your precious blood.

We look forward to the day when you will come in power and glory to judge the living and the dead and subject all things under your feet including death itself.

Thank you for indwelling in us and sealing us with your Holy Spirit who is leading us into all truth.

We take comfort in the truth that this same triune God who existed before time began, who created our first parents Adam and Eve, who appeared to our father of faith Abraham, who loved us so much and gave His only begotten Son, is our God and Father.

This amazing eternal God and our Father has a plan for each of our lives. Our awesome God is still on the throne. Please may our hearts, minds and souls be still - meditating on these established truths from your holy word. We rest in you.

When our souls get disquieted within us, please help us to promptly rehearse what we know of our God from the pages of Scripture. 

Please help us to consistently press on day in and day out, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead - to be in the presence of our Father and beholding the glories of our God. That glorious moment would eclipse all that we go through in this fallen world. 

Thank you I AM that I AM for that unshakable hope - of the upcoming reality because of Jesus - In His holy name we pray, Amen.